There are a few additions to the coupon codes I hope Etsy makes in the future such as options to limit the code to one use only or to one use per user and to limit the coupon to just one section and not the whole shop. Right now a coupon can be used any number of times until you make it inactive and applies to the whole shop. It's a great start for the feature but I hope to see it expanded in the future.
Now on the the fun: How to promote your coupons! Here's a short list, please add your own suggestions in the comments I'd love to see them.
- Post on Twitter, your website, blog, or facebook fan page.
- Post in the Promotions section of Etsy's forum
- Post on coupon code sites like RetailMeNot
- Host a contest on your blog or social network of choice and email/message the winner with the coupon code. Personally I like trivia contests, I've done them before for giveaways as well.
- Include a Thank You note in orders with a coupon code for repeat customers
- Hand out your business cards with a code on them for new customers
Always include an expiration date for coupons you hand out or include with orders (even if you plan to use the code for a long time you should do this, change over your codes every 6 months or so) you never want an angry customer saying her code doesn't work because you've inactivated it with no warning.